"DeadSquad berdiri pd tgl 29 Agustus 2006"
Pada awalnya band ini bermula sejak Februari 2006 dan hanyalah sebuah band project yang berencana memainkan lagu – lagu dari band - band oldschool metal seperti Slayer, Anthrax dan Sepultura. Pada saat itu berpersonil: Stevie (Gitar) ex-Step Froward, Ricky (Gitar) Seringai, Bonny (Bass) ex-Tengkorak, dan Andyan (Drum) ex-Siksakubur. Ternyata Ricky tidak bisa bertahan lama karena kesibukannya. Setelah berjalan latian beberapa lama band ini lebih dari sekedar band project dan mulai memfokuskan untuk membuat lagu - lagu sendiri. Juni 2006 Prisa ex–Zala bergabung. Atas kesepakatan bersama pada 29 Agustus 06 terbentuklah nama "DEADSQUAD"/DS. Berlanjut dengan pencarian vokalis, setelah beberapa kali mencoba akhirnya DS mendapatkan Babal (Alexander) yang resmi bergabung pada oktober 2006. Awal 2008 Prisa keluar dari band,

Setelah berjalan sekian lama dengan konsep satu guitar , akhirnya pada bulan oktober 2008 , DS menemukan sosok guitarist yang di nilai sangat mumpuni untuk mengisi kekosongan yang ada pada salah satu lini guitar yaitu Coki Bollemeyer ( Netral )  dan pada bulan yang sama Daniel (Abolish Conception )  bergabung dalam line up terbaru band ini menggantikan Babal.

9 Maret 2009 DEADSQUAD Merilis Album pertamanya dengan title HORROR VISION dan langsung mendapat respon yang sangat baik dari komunitas indie maupun non indie. Rangkaian panggung dan tour pun banyak dilakukan hingga tahun 2012 ini, dan DEADSQUAD mulai mempersiapkan materi – materi baru untuk album ke dua mereka.

So wait for our new material , we will kick your fucking ass !
”TECHNICAL DEATH METAL EXTRAVAGANZA” bombards your auditory with no mercy thus structured aggressive intensity. The embellish combination between harmony, melody and complex brutality in every song brings up your heart to keep it rolled in your music player with non-stop headbanging. DEADSQUAD is sophisticated manufacture madness!!! (Bimo – Undying Music).

When the frenetic of Parc still exist, the two guitarists Stevie Item (Andra and the Backbone) and Ricky Siahaan (Seringai) gathered to make a new band to satisfy their desires with old school metal band. Before they separated, both are fight together to roused Step Forward. To complete the form, Bons (ex-player from Tengkorak) and Andyan (ex-player from Siksa Kubur) were invited to join. The first intention of this band is to play music for jamming session; Slayer, Anthrax, and Sepultura are the music they choose to play.

This band was not feasible to make their own music, because they think it’s just a project band. In their way, Ricky resigns from this band because of his work activities., In June 2006, Prisa (ex-player from Zala) appear to fill the inanity of guitar position. No longer from it, Babal (Alexander) recruited to be a vocalist. With this formation they firmed themselves as Deadsquad (DS). Since August 29, 2008 they outpace form the gigs circuit. They also start to write their music, their name was bustling everywhere.

Deadsquad is called as a super group because their names are recognizing in public. In November 2007, Prisa officially resign from Deadsquad, it doesn’t make Deadsquad crippled. They decided to stand with one guitar. In October 2008, Deadsquad found new profile to be the Stevie’s electron pairs. His name is Christopher Bollemeyer, a guitarist who’s known as Coki and listed as Netral’s personnel. In the same month, Daniel (Abolish Conception) joins to strengthen the form. March 2009. After long standing on stage and made one-two single, it is time for Deadsquad to disseminate the solid terrors. They cooperate with Rottrevore Records (Indonesia), they released Horror Vision as their first album.

It was launched in March 9, 2009 when they succeed in opening the Lamb of God concert in Jakarta. Manufaktur Replika Baptis. Is a single title that reflects the album which contains eight high voltage songs. By taken the lyrics with the dark side, all tracks in this album was arrange to the discipline composition; Technical Death Metal which bombards the metal music lovers Downstroke performance parade in guitar that blessed with melodic and harmonic leads will be the highlight for this album. Of those surely combined with hyperblasting-grinding solid loot drums and also growling and screaming maneuver at vocal. It’s just the right an old school nostalgic project at the beginning, but then the band’s exploration loops to the roots. They’re influenced from abroad bands: Necrophagist, Visceral Bleeding, Spawn of Possession, Disavowed, Decrepit Birth, until Nile.

Prepare your ear, broadly your view, release your mind. Through Horror Vision, the all stars death metal squad will be change your judgment about metal!!!
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